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Using our ESLint plugin

Tracking all these dependencies yourself can to be a royal pain in the aggragate, so we've written a plugin eslint-plugin-graphile-export to do away with a lot of the pain.

To install:

yarn add eslint-plugin-graphile-export@beta

To set up, add "graphile-export" to your ESLint configuration's plugins list, and "plugin:graphile-export/recommended" to the extends list:

// .eslintrc.js
module.exports = {
plugins: [
extends: [

To use it, simply add EXPORTABLE(() => before the value exporession to be exported, and ) after and then run eslint --fix against the file. It will automatically convert:

const add = EXPORTABLE(
() =>
function add(b) {
return a + b;


const add = EXPORTABLE(
// The dependencies:
) =>
function add(b) {
return a + b;
// The dependency values

You don't need to do this yourself everywhere, the plugin will look for common patterns and apply the EXPORTABLE itself as best it can. Do carefully review the changes it has made.

Note: no accommodation for formatting has been made, it is assumed that you are using prettier or similar code formatter and thus there's no need for us to format the code.