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Eval is evil, this module helps tame it!

It's generally recommended that you don't use eval or new Function when writing JavaScript/TypeScript code. There's many many reasons for this, here are but a few:

  • code injection: without sufficient caution, attackers could inject poisoned strings into your evals and you might unwittingly start evaluating their code, which can lead to extremely serious security incidents
  • garbage collection: eval (and, to a lesser extend, new Function) are hard for the JS engine to understand, which can result in values that should have been garbage collected instead being retained just in case
  • debugging: errors thrown from or issues inside of evaluated code are hard to inspect, they don't have line numbers that match up with your source code

However, eval and new Function can be powerful tools for building performant code - if you have a list of operations to perform, it may be much more performant to build a dynamic function to evaluate those operations at native JS speed rather than to build your own interpretter.

tamedevil makes it much safer to build this kind of dynamic function, by ensuring that every string and substring that is to be evaluated is either code that you, the author, has written (it's something "you know"), or is some text that has been suitably escaped - this helps to address the code injection concern. We accomplish this with the power of tagged template literals and symbols.

We also attempt to address the garbage collection concern by ensuring that there is no ephemeral data in the closure in which the code is evaluated, so nothing to be garbage collected. Note that we do not capture the closure in which you define the string - all parameters must be passed explicitly (via the helpers), which is one reason we use new Function rather than eval under the hood.


yarn add tamedevil@beta


npm install --save tamedevil@beta