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Our ESLint plugin isn't smart enough to actually import the EXPORTABLE helper, so after running the autofix you might end up with "undefined variable EXPORTABLE" errors. You can either import { EXPORTABLE } from "graphile-export", or you can copy this definition into your code:

export function EXPORTABLE<T, TScope extends any[]>(
factory: (...args: TScope) => T,
args: [...TScope],
nameHint?: string,
): T {
const fn: T = factory(...args);
if (
((typeof fn === "object" && fn !== null) || typeof fn === "function") &&
!("$exporter$factory" in fn)
) {
Object.defineProperties(fn, {
$exporter$args: { value: args },
$exporter$factory: { value: factory },
$exporter$name: { writable: true, value: nameHint },
return fn;

(Or, if you're using plain JavaScript:

export function EXPORTABLE(factory, args, nameHint) {
const fn = factory(...args);
if (
((typeof fn === "object" && fn !== null) || typeof fn === "function") &&
!("$exporter$factory" in fn)
) {
Object.defineProperties(fn, {
$exporter$args: { value: args },
$exporter$factory: { value: factory },
$exporter$name: { writable: true, value: nameHint },
return fn;
