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Graphile Config Plugin

A plugin is responsible for adding capabilities to a Graphile package. Each Graphile package will register its own "scope" within the plugin's spec; commonly these scopes may contain capabilities such as 'hooks' or 'events' which this package attempts to standardize.

A Graphile Plugin is an object with the following properties:

  • name (string): The name of the plugin, this must be unique and will be used for capabilities such as skipPlugins
  • version (string): a semver-compliant version for the plugin, this would normally match the version in the package.json but does not need to (e.g. if the module in question contains multiple plugins)
  • description (optional string): human-readable description of the plugin in CommonMark (markdown) format.
  • provides (optional string[]): an optional list of "feature labels" that this plugin provides, this is primarily used to govern the order in which the plugin (and its hooks and events) are executed. Feature labels must be unique within the list of loaded plugins, for example two different plugins should not both provide subscriptions. If unspecified, defaults to the plugin name.
  • after (optional string[]): indicates that this plugin should be loaded after the named features (if present)
  • before (optional string[]): indicates that this plugin should be loaded before the named features (if present)

In addition to the properties above, plugins may also contain properties for each of the supported scopes, for example there may be a postgraphile scope for PostGraphile, or a worker scope for Graphile Worker. The value for each of these scopes will be an object, but the contents of that object are defined by the projects in question.

NOTE: Currently this plugin system is only intended for Graphile usage (and thus we do not need to "reserve" keys), but should you find it useful for other projects please reach out via GitHub issues and we can discuss what's necessary to make this more universal. Should you decide to not heed this advice, please at least make sure that the "scopes" you add are namespaced in a way to avoid future conflicts with features we may wish to add.