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Target Audience: all Graphile Config users ⚙️🔌📚

A preset bundles together a list of options and plugins to configure and extend a library. GraphileConfig.Preset is the primary interface that most Graphile Config users will use.

Library consumers should define their preset as the default export of a graphile.config.js (or .ts, .mjs, etc.) file.

Here's an example in JavaScript:

const SomePlugin = require("some-plugin");

module.exports = {
plugins: [SomePlugin],
someScope: {
someConfigOption: 10,

And an equivalent configuration in TypeScript:

import type {} from "graphile-config";
import SomePlugin from "some-plugin";

const preset: GraphileConfig.Preset = {
plugins: [SomePlugin],
someScope: {
someConfigOption: 10,

export default preset;
Importing Graphile Config types is recommended

Adding the import type {} from "graphile-config" statement tells TypeScript about the GraphileConfig global namespace; this may or may not be necessary depending on the other imports that you have, but we generally recommend it.

No code from the graphile-config library will be included in the output JavaScript for graphile.config.ts above; see the TypeScript docs for more on type-only imports.

Supporting TypeScript ESM

You can specify a graphile.config.ts file, but if that uses export default, and your TypeScript is configured to export ESM, then you may get an error telling you that you cannot require an ES Module:

Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: Must use import to load ES Module: /path/to/graphile.config.ts
require() of ES modules is not supported.
require() of /path/to/graphile.config.ts from /path/to/node_modules/graphile-config/dist/loadConfig.js is an ES module file as it is a .ts file whose nearest parent package.json contains "type": "module" which defines all .ts files in that package scope as ES modules.
Instead change the requiring code to use import(), or remove "type": "module" from /path/to/package.json.

Or, in newer versions, an error saying unknown file extension:

TypeError [ERR_UNKNOWN_FILE_EXTENSION]: Unknown file extension ".ts" for /path/to/graphile.config.ts

To solve this, use the experimental loaders API to add support for TS ESM via the ts-node/esm loader:

export NODE_OPTIONS="$NODE_OPTIONS --loader ts-node/esm"

Then run your command again.

Preset scopes

Libraries that use Graphile Config define scopes. Scopes are properties in a Graphile Config preset within which configuration options can be set. For example, PostGraphile's dependencies define scopes including pgServices, schema, grafast, grafserv, and more. Graphile Worker defines a worker scope.

Scopes are also used in plugins. Plugin authors 🔌 should see Plugin for more details.

Preset composition

Library authors can create Graphile Config presets that allow consumers to easily use the library with default or recommended settings. The extends property in a preset allows library consumers to extend one or more presets with their own configuration values or plugins. Extending presets resolves values according to the preset resolution algorithm.

The following is a simple example of a Graphile Config preset that could be used to configure usage of Graphile Worker:

import { WorkerPreset } from "graphile-worker";

const preset: GraphileConfig.Preset = {
extends: [WorkerPreset],
worker: {
connectionString: "postgres:///my_db",

export default preset;
Define your own presets to share your preferred defaults

As a library consumer, you can build and share presets with your collaborators or even extend 3rd party presets provided by the community. As with any 3rd party code, take caution to ensure you can trust the code you are importing.

Preset resolution

Presets may compose (extend) zero or more other presets. When a library is passed a preset, it resolves the preset using the ResolvePreset algorithm below.


  • All the presets in extends are resolved, recursively, depth-first, in order (order is important!).
  • The plugins are merged as a set (each plugin will only be included once) and sorted according to before/after.
  • The options are merged such that options specified last win.


  1. Let flattenedPreset be FlattenPreset(preset).
  2. Let resolvedPreset be a copy of flattenedPreset with the plugins property sorted according to the plugin ordering rules.
  3. Return resolvedPreset.


  1. Let extends be the list specified in the extends property of preset (or an empty list if none specified).
  2. Let extendsPreset be MergePresets(extends).
  3. Return ExtendPreset(preset, extendsPreset).


  1. Let mergedPreset be an empty preset.
  2. For each preset in presets:
    1. Let flattenedPreset be FlattenPreset(preset).
    2. Let mergedPreset be ExtendPreset(mergedPreset, flattenedPreset).
  3. Return mergedPreset.

ExtendPreset(basePreset, extensionPreset):

  1. Note: this algorithm ignores the extends property of both basePreset and extensionPreset, assuming they has already been resolved elsewhere.
  2. Let mergedPreset be an empty preset.
  3. Let plugins be the unique list of plugins defined in basePreset followed those defined in extensionPreset and not already defined in basePreset.
  4. Let the list of plugins in mergedPreset be plugins.
  5. Let scopes be the set of scopes defined in basePreset union those defined in extensionPreset.
  6. For each scope in scopes:
    1. Let baseScope be the value of the scope in basePreset.
    2. Let extendingScope be the value of the scope in extensionPreset.
    3. If baseScope and extendingScope both exist:
      1. Let scope in mergedPreset be the result of merging baseScope and extendingScope akin to Object.assign({}, baseScope, extendingScope).
    4. Otherwise: let scope in mergedPreset be whichever of baseScope and extendingScope actually exist.
  7. Return mergedPreset.
Merging exists-but-undefined options

When extending presets, Graphile Config merges options scopes with logic equivalent to Object.assign({}, baseScope, extendingScope). This has the following implications:

  1. When an option is set to undefined or null in the extending preset, it will override the value in the base preset. Depending on the library behavior, this may result in the library default being used for the option.
  2. When an option is not present in the extending scope, the resolved value will be that of the option in the base scope (if any).
Order of composition is important

Consider a preset, APreset, that extends two other presets: Preset1 and Preset2, each of which extends the same preset, Preset0:

const Preset0 = { myScope: { option1: false, option2: false } };
const Preset1 = { extends: [Preset0], myScope: { option1: true } };
const Preset2 = { extends: [Preset0], myScope: { option2: true } };
const APreset = { extends: [Preset1, Preset2] };

Any overrides to the options set in Preset0 by Preset1 will be reset in APreset since they will be overridden when Preset2 applies the Preset0 options again:

// Resolving the presets operates depth first:
const Preset0 = { myScope: { option1: false, option2: false } };
const Preset1 = { myScope: { ...Preset0.myScope, option1: true } };
const Preset2 = { myScope: { ...Preset0.myScope, option2: true } };
const APreset = { myScope: { ...Preset1.myScope, ...Preset2.myScope } };
// Thus:
const APreset = { myScope: { option1: false, option2: true } };

For this reason, presets that are expected to be combined with other presets should not extends common or shared presets; instead, the end user should be expected to add these presets themselves.

Said another way, the tree of presets should only ever have a depth of 2 or less to avoid unexpected behavior.

graphile CLI

Sponsorship has perks: the graphile CLI!

Graphile's open source projects only exist thanks to the sponsorship of individuals and organizations that use them. To help convince your boss to fund the ongoing development of the OSS that your company relies on, sponsorship comes with perks. One such perk is the graphile CLI which is only licensed for usage by sponsors. See the README for more details.

The graphile CLI has a config subcommand with various tools to help library consumers.

# Output the options your config may contain
npx graphile config options
# Print your resolved configuration
npx graphile config print